Stop Location web service
Request parameters:
Name | Value | Description |
bbox | comma delimited list of longitude and latitude values (optional) | bbox arguments are lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax in decimal degrees. These define the lower left and upper right corners of the bounding box. |
ll | comma delimited long-lat pair (optional) | Defines center of search radius in decimal degrees. |
feet | number (optional) | Use with ll to define search radius in feet. |
meters | number (optional) | Use with ll to define search radius in meters. |
showRoutes | boolean (optional) | location elements will include a list of routes that service the stop(s) if this is set to 'true'. |
showRouteDirs | boolean (optional) | route elements will include a list of 'dir' elements for each route direction that service the stop(s) if this is set to 'true'. Setting showRoutes is to 'true' is unnecessary if this is set to 'true'. |
appID | string (required) | Your appID received during registration. |
json | boolean (optional) "true" or "false" (default) | If true results will be returned in json format rather than the default xml format. |
callback | string (optional) | If present returns the json result in a jsonp callback function. Only used if json is set to true. |
Response fields:
Note: all times values are in milliseconds since epoch. JSON times are formatted as a string 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'.
Name | Description |
resultSet | Root element of all results |
resultSet[@queryTime] | Time the result was generated. |
errorMessage | This element will occur if there was an error processing your request and contains a description of the problem. |
location | Contains information about a stop |
location[@desc] | The public location description of the stop. |
location[@dir] | The direction of traffic at the stop. The cardinal directions of a compass. For bidirectional rail platforms the value will be blank. |
location[@lat] | The latitude of the stop. |
location[@lng] | The longitude of the stop. |
location[@locid] | LocationID of the stop. |
route | Contains information about a route. |
route[@desc] | The route's description. |
route[@route] | The route number. |
route[@type] | The type of the route, either 'B' for bus, or 'R' for fixed guideway (either rail or aerial tram). |
dir | Child element of route contains information for each route directions. |
dir[@desc] | Describes the direction of the route. |
dir[@dir] | The number of the direction, either 1 for inbound or 0 for outbound. |