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TimeTable Publisher

The TimeTablePublisher is a single system that allows a transit agency to examine, modify, and transform raw scheduling data into easy-to-read timetables for customer information purposes. The application simplifies and accelerates the production of printed on-street schedules and web schedules, which is often a very time-consuming and manual process for most agencies. This results in more accurate, current, and consistent schedule information for the customer.

The TimeTablePublisher is designed to use data directly in the General Transit Feed Spec (GTFS) format, so it can be very easy for an agency to implement. In addition, it can connect to, and read from, other sources of data including a database, a comma separated text file, and XML. An easy-to-use interface, as well as a tool that compares the changes between two service dates, makes it easy to format and edit the data.

As an open sources application, TimeTablePublisher is available for free so that other transit agencies can use it and even contribute enhancements to it. There's always room for improvement; and with your help, TimeTablePublisher will improve.

Thoughts:   We think it went feedback we received indicates that. Regardless, we had a good time presenting, and hearing that others may find use for this tool.

When was the webinar:   May 14, 2008

Archive of the TTPUB Webinar

TTPUB Webinar info