TriMet GIS Metadata
Route Stops (tm_route_stops)
Public transit stops for all bus and rail lines. For stops served by multiple lines there are multiple records in this dataset.
Geometry Type
Current. Last update: March 03, 2025
Contact Information
TriMet GIS
4012 SE 17th Ave, GIS3
Portland, OR 97202
Attribute Information
Attribute: RTE
Definition: Route number.
Attribute type: Integer
Attribute length: 3
Attribute: DIR
Definition: Direction of line serving this stop.
Attribute type: Integer
Attribute length: 1
Value | Definition |
0 | Direction 0. |
1 | Direction 1. |
Attribute: RTE_DESC
Definition: Route name.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 50
Attribute: DIR_DESC
Definition: Description of route direction.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 50
Attribute: TYPE
Definition: Type of service.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 20
Value | Definition |
AT | Aerial Tram. |
BUS | Bus. |
CR | Commuter rail. |
MAX | Light rail. |
SC | Streetcar. |
Attribute: STOP_SEQ
Definition: Stop sequence number.
Attribute type: Integer
Attribute length: 5
Attribute: STOP_ID
Definition: Unique identifier.
Attribute type: Integer
Attribute length: 8
Attribute: STOP_NAME
Definition: Intersection or street address of stop.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 50
Attribute: JURISDIC
Definition: Jurisdiction (City or County) in which stop is located.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 30
Attribute: ZIPCODE
Definition: Zipcode in which stop is located.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 5
Spatial Reference Information
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
Projected coordinate system name: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601
Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
Map projection: Lambert conformal conic