TriMet GIS Metadata
Rail Stops (tm_rail_stops)
Public transit rail stops. Includes existing, under construction, and planned MAX, WES, and Portland Streetcar stops. The data have been generalized to improve cartographic display at smaller scales.
Geometry Type
Current. Last update: December 04, 2024
Contact Information
TriMet GIS
4012 SE 17th Ave, GIS3
Portland, OR 97202
Attribute Information
Attribute: LINE
Definition: Line(s) serving a particular stop.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 254
Value | Definition |
AL | Portland Streetcar A Loop |
AL/BL | Portland Streetcar A & B Loops |
B | MAX Blue Line |
BGR | MAX Blue, Green, and Red Lines |
BGRY | MAX Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow Lines |
BL | Portland Streetcar B Loop |
BL/NS | Portland Streetcar B Loop and North/South Line |
BR | MAX Blue and Red Lines |
G | MAX Green Line |
GO | MAX Green and Orange Lines |
GY | MAX Green and Yellow Lines |
NS | Portland Streetcar North/South Line |
NS/AL | Portland Streetcar A Loop and North/South Line |
NS/AL/BL | Portland Streetcar A & B Loops and North/South Line |
O | MAX Orange Line |
R | MAX Red Line |
WES | WES (Westside Express Service) |
Y | MAX Yellow Line |
Attribute: STATION
Definition: Name of station.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 254
Attribute: STATUS
Definition: Operational status of the stop.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 254
Value | Definition |
Existing | Service currently provided at rail stop |
Planned | Rail stop in advanced planning stages |
UC | Rail stop is under construction |
Attribute: TYPE
Definition: Type of service.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 254
Value | Definition |
CR | Commuter rail |
MAX | Light rail |
SC | Streetcar |
Spatial Reference Information
Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
Projected coordinate system name: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601
Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
Map projection: Lambert conformal conic