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TriMet GIS Metadata

Park and Rides (tm_parkride)


TriMet park and ride locations.

Geometry Type



Current. Last update: July 01, 2024

Contact Information

TriMet GIS
4012 SE 17th Ave, GIS3
Portland, OR 97202

Attribute Information

Attribute: NAME
Definition: Name of park and ride.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 60

Attribute: ADDRESS
Definition: Park and ride street address or major intersection.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 50

Attribute: CITY
Definition: City in which park and ride is located.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 30

Attribute: COUNTY
Definition: County in which park and ride is located.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 30

Attribute: ZIPCODE
Definition: Zipcode in which park and ride is located.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 5

Attribute: OWNER
Definition: Indicates whether a park and ride is TriMet owned or a shared use facility.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 10

TriMetTriMet owned.
SharedShared use.

Attribute: SPACES
Definition: Indicates number of parking spaces available at park and ride.
Attribute type: Integer
Attribute length: 5

Attribute: STATUS
Definition: Operational status of park and ride.
Attribute type: String
Attribute length: 20

ExistingPark and ride is operational.
PlannedPark and ride is in advanced planning stages.
UCPark and ride is under construction.

Spatial Reference Information

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
  Coordinate system name:
    Projected coordinate system name: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Oregon_North_FIPS_3601
    Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_North_American_1983_HARN
    Map projection: Lambert conformal conic